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Are you completely overwhelmed by everything you have to do to take advantage of the upcoming BFCM season?

Did you know that the more than 116 million emails get sent on a typical Black Friday? And that the average offer is almost 50% off?

Are you scared of leaving money on the table this BFCM, while at the same time worried about spamming your customers until they hate you?

You’ve got less attention, less profit and more pressure to bring BIG NUMBERS than any other time of the year.

When you think about it like that, it’s no wonder that most bootstrapped brand-owners are so overwhelmed that they procrastinate on their email+sms plan and end up with last minute, thrown together, lack-luster offers that their customers don't buy.

If you already work with an agency or have a full marketing team at your disposal, stop reading this page/watching this video. I’m going to give you the gift of time and give you your 5 minutes back. This particular plan isn’t for you.

BUT here’s the good news

If you’re a solo-preneur, or have a small, resource strapped team, where every dollar counts and every minute is precious, then these next 5 minutes will help you go from confused and overwhelmed, to confidently conquering BFCM in 2022.

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Me, Nichelle, searching for the meaning of BFCM in a medium sized waterfall.

Hi, I’m Nichelle, the Founder and CEO of &BAM. We’re an email+sms marketing agency and we’ve been “doing BFCM” since 2017.

But we haven’t always been world class at it.

In the first year, we weren’t even good at it.

Forget a buying frenzy….we couldn’t even get people to open our BFCM emails.

With only “regular season” experience, no mentor, and no idea what to expect, we made every mistake in the book.

We only started preparing 1 or 2 weeks in advance, didn’t know how to make a strategic offer, and had no segmentation plan.

Our first few emails did so poorly (like, $0 bad) that we had to pivot and re-think our entire plan…

If it could go wrong, it did. Broken landing pages, discount code errors, emails sending to too many people. Some emails even went to ZERO people.

By the end of the weekend we had some decent revenue numbers….

BUT our subscribers were MAD…

Our spam rate was HUGE,

Our deliverability tanked… and after all was said and done…

It was barely profitable.

All that time, energy and stress…and it was all for minimal effect.

And since BFCM only comes by once a year, we didn’t even have an opportunity for a do-over…we had one shot and we fizzled.

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Until 2018, when we got our second shot. We had a chip on our shoulder and something to prove.

This time we had a bunch of data. Most of it, proof of what doesn’t work. We spent months researching, planning, thinking through segments, offers and contingency plans.

We started writing and designing emails MONTHS EARLY and to our delight…it worked.

Our clients were delighted, their customers were actually happy to get our emails.

The inventory flew off the virtual shelves and

In 2019 we worked out a couple of kinks.

In 2020 we supercharged it.

Through those years of experience with tons of agency clients with different products, markets and offers, we got better year after year.

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Then in 2021, 100% of our clients had their best, most profitable BFCM EVER.

And that’s pretty freaking cool.

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Today, all of our clients get this BFCM system installed for their brands for the big event (and they pay handsomely for us to manage everything soup to nuts) but I want to make sure that even small bootstrapped brands can take advantage of the biggest ecom holiday of the year.

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In fact, after our huge 2021 success, we codified and standardized our BFCM plan into a world class, can’t-fail, 3-step system.

An email marketing system that’s not just simple to use…

…it makes BFCM downright boring, predictable and wildly profitable.

Today I’m happy to announce that the system is available to you on this page.


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Make BFCM Your Best Event of 2022

A bootstrapper’s guide to securing their bag during the biggest buying season of the year

Here’s everything you get when you buy the


How to choose an offer that maximizes profitability, no matter your business model, number of skus or profit margins.

Exactly what emails you need to send before, during and after the BFCM weekend

How to design an email that will get subscribers to CLICK and BUY

How to build a vip list of HYPER buyers who will flood your store with sales as soon as your offer opens

The 3 Bonus Flows that you should run during bfcm (including one you should start running right now)

Pre-BFCM Self-audit checklist to make sure you’re really READY to send big and make the most of your subscriber list

Copy-paste BFCM segmentation strategy so you get the right offer to the right people

No-brainer bfcm subject line formulas so your emails jump out of the inbox

And a whole ton more!

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Q4 only comes once a year. This isn’t the time to wing it and hope for the best.

Q4 Only Comes Once A Year.

This Is Your One Shot

Your performance in BFCM can set you up to crush it in 2023. You’ll be going into 2023 with more cash and customers than ever.

That’s exactly why our agency clients pay us a minimum of $5720 real American dollars for this exact plan. I’m helping you shortcut my team’s combined years of experience with almost every niche, market, and offer structures.

If I could go back in time to 2017 and have access to this information going into my first BFCM, I would pay thousands of dollars.

But because I truly want every bootstrapped brand to be able to compete with the big guys in Q4…I’m giving it to you for more than 99% off.

The Breakthrough BFCM Blueprint is yours today for just $5720 $27

Don’t wait to take action, because when it comes to BFCM planning, TIME is of the essence.

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Here's Everything You Get...

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The 36 Page "Breakthrough BFCM Blueprint" Ebook

Including our entire BFCM system that we implement for clients to get them guaranteed huge sales during the holidays ($5,720 Value)

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My "Standout Subject Line" Cheat Sheet

Download my coveted swipe file of subject lines that get opens ($27 Value)

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Quick Start Guide and Video Walkthrough

Get a running start with templates to guide you through your entire BFCM plan so you spend time on important things and don't waste time on trivial ($97 Value)


Claim Two Free Gifts With Your Order!

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Live BFCM Q&A Session

($249 Value)

Get expert guidance as you plan and execute on your BFCM plans. Show up live to ask questions or submit questions ahead of time and get access to the recordings.

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Free LIFETIME Access To &U

($239/Yr Value)

Get lifetime access to our coveted community of bootstrapped ecom owners. You get bi-weekly Q&A calls, email breakdowns, monthly campaign ideas and expert help when you need it most.


Get Breakthrough BFCM Blueprint for just $97 today!

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My 90 Day "Try It Out" Guarantee!

If you work your way through the BBB System and don’t feel confident you’re going to have your best BFCM yet, I’ll buy the system back AND buy your BFCM offer so you’re guaranteed at least one sale.

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